Library Learnings

UX design


In 2016,1.5 billion people visited the library in-person at over 8,895 public locations throughout the United States. Library visitation, however, has been trending down in the last decade, going from 53% to 44% percent in local library visits. Popular services like borrowing fictional and non-fictional books (down 9% and 14%), DVDs (down 6%), and performing computer catalog searches (down 7%) also have seen decreased usage. Although studies have found people have a positive association to libraries and believe they are pillars of their communities, the downward trend of use is concerning.

According to the 2018 OCLC study, 55% of voters still view the library as an essential institution. This can be seen through an increase of people using the library to meet/socialize, work/study, take a class, and use their technology services (which was up 25%). While libraries are seen as a community hub, there is still room for improvement when it comes to increasing the patrons’ use of everything the library has to offer.

Full Medium case study coming soon

The Challenge

My team and I researched, discovered, and defined the community’s specific needs by understanding how libraries can be more impactful to the patrons and their communities. From our research and documentation, we designed a digital product called Library Learnings that allowed users to find and be reminded of educational and local library events of interest happening in their area.

Learning about library events that matter

To connect users to library events, we designed Library Learnings, an app for users to search/filter and register for classes and events at nearby libraries. Users also had the option to be reminded in advance about upcoming registered or favorited events so they could plan their schedule accordingly.

Below are key screens and user taskflow


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